Corsage or Bouquet of Pink Roses
COP$84.900 – COP$119.900
Make that special being have an unforgettable day, send this delicate Corsage or Bouquet of Pink Roses with
- 12 pink roses
- Green foliage with graceful
- Wrapped in paper or plastic (without base)
We suggest that you accompany this design with chocolates, stuffed animals or wines to make your detail even more special, in the next step of the purchase you can add these products to your order if you wish.
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The elements that make up the Corsage or Bouquet of Pink Roses such as bases, decorations, boxes, wines, chocolates, balloons, stuffed animals, flowers, fruits and colors, may differ from the reference image, and these are subject to any changes that it is required according to availability, however we do our best to please our clients even in the smallest details.
Additional information
Dimensions | 20 × 50 cm |
Jaiver Goez –
He ordenado arreglos florales múltiples veces desde el exterior con ellos…son lo mejor de lo mejor rápidos seguros y amables. la mejor sin duda.